2023 Kids will be weaned in mid-July Doelings may be purchased beginning at that time. Only exceptional bucklings will not be banded as wethers.

*4 head of commercial 2021bucks

* 4 head of commerical 2022 bucks

*40 yearling doelings born to Kiko or SpanishX does, sired by Kiko or KikoX bucks. Ready to be bred. Current on all vaccines.

*40 yearling doelings exposed to registered Kiko bucks. Current on all vaccines.


Foundation Kensing Spanish buck

Give us a call for more information about our operation - we’ll talk goats with you!



2022 Doelings

LOTS OF COLOR IN THIS GROUP…and not just their tags!!!

White and orange tagged kids are off-spring of SAN Sam Elliott or SJH Sanja Axle These sires are registered Purebred Kikos. Females may be registered as percentage does.

Pink tagged kids were born to does sired by LVL Pay Out, registered New Zealand Kiko.

Yellow tags indicate the kids are commercial stock, sires being either a non-registered Kiko or a Kensing Spanish buck over a crossbred doe.

Blue tagged kids are sons and daughters of Texas-based Whitworth Ranch raised Kensing Foundation buck, whom we’ve named Indy.

Kids were born March thru May
